Vogue performance

Sebastian Ruiz Bartilson

På fredag den 14 juni kl 19 framförs en Vogue performance av Sebastian Ruiz Bartilson i anslutning till Hannah McDonalds utställning The devil makes work for idle hands.

On Friday June 14th at 7pm Sebastian Ruiz Bartilson will perform a Vogue dance performance in the gallery as a comment to Hannah McDonald's exhibition The devil makes work for idle hands.

Sebastian is a versatile performance dance artist and teacher. Trained in contemporary and modern dance he has a relevant training within the Contact Improvisation practice and has also immersed himself in other styles such as flamenco and Vogue.
Influenced by South American traditions, his research is focused now on the power of ritualised actions on stage and interested in creating dialogues between rituality and the contemporary performing practices.